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World Languages

World Languages in Jeffco

World language programs in Jeffco Public Schools invite students to explore the world and their place in it through the study of languages and cultures. Jeffco offers courses in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin and Spanish. Jeffco also offers Spanish for Heritage Speakers to honor and support the development and maintenance of heritage language.

Jeffco strives to educate students to become communicatively proficient and globally competent in languages other than English with a curriculum aligned to national standards. Students will have opportunities to use their cultural and linguistic knowledge outside of the classroom, with travel, cultural events, performances and competitions.

World Languages at Jeffco Virtual Academy

High School Credit for Middle School Courses

Students have the opportunity to take advanced coursework at Jeffco Virtual Academy.

These courses follow the same Colorado Academic Standards and curriculum as the courses offered at the high school level and represent one way that JVA provides accelerated and challenging coursework to our students.

Successful completion of any of the eligible courses listed below will automatically award the student high school credit. This means that the course name and letter grade will appear on the student’s high school transcript. The grade will not be calculated into the student’s high school GPA.

Please note: If a student takes one of the below courses and would like to opt out of having the course count toward high school credit, they must work with their ninth-grade counselor.

Which courses are eligible?

  • Mathematics: Algebra 1, Geometry or higher. 
    • All students graduating from a Jeffco high school are required to complete three years of mathematics, in addition to an additional demonstration of readiness. For more information, see Jeffco graduation requirements.
  • World Languages: Any course Level 1 or above, or a 101-102 combination.

The above courses are exclusive of summer school courses, as stated in Jeffco School Board policy IKF.

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