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Jeffco Virtual Academy’s highly qualified teachers design asynchronous online lessons following Jeffco curriculum. Our staff work flexible schedules just like our students do and are quick to respond to any questions with a text, email, or Google Meet. Classes are available 24/7.

Work is released weekly with weekly deadlines. Students need to use a computer (Jeffco Chromebook or personal Mac / PC / Chromebook) and we suggest using Google Chrome for your browser.

Online lessons may include discussion boards, self-created videos, credited videos, readings, online textbooks, home-friendly experiments, and various assessments and projects.

Teachers will post office-hour availability for live support. There also are weekly in-person academic support opportunities at JVA.

JVA Attendance Expectations

Jeffco Schoology

Jeffco Schoology is the learning management system that houses JVA’s online classes, providing a safe learning and social environment. Some classes also use Edgenuity. Families, students and staff gain access with their Jeffco login.

Getting Started with Jeffco Schoology 

Edgenuity banner. %22Where learning clicks%22.
Schoology's %22S%22 Logo.